3 Ways Professional Photography Can Help Your Business

3 Ways Professional Photography Can Help Your Business

Many people think buying an expensive professional camera means you’re now a professional photographer.

With an ever so light pat on your shoulder (did you feel that ;)) we’d like to remind you that buying a high-end flute, doesn’t mean you are likely to be the next James Galway. It may be time to put those dreams of serenading fans to ‘Danny Boy’ at Madison Square Garden on pause.

You can’t even begin to count the massive benefits of having professional photographs for your brand or business. Besides making a huge difference when showcasing the services and products you offer, it also signals to the world that you are taking yourself seriously and willing to invest in yourself as you ask your customers to invest in you. Here are three ways professional photography can help your business.

1. Making a Captivating online presence

I once had a mentor who said during my professional photography career that “A picture is worth a thousand online sales,” I smiled in confusion for a bit, then realized he was right.

Have you ever purchase something online or even browsed through an online catalogue through social media with an offer that looks like it was perfectly designed for your brand? Just imagine trying to buy that item online without knowing what it looks like or even trying to identify its quality from a poor photograph. There’s no doubt product photos are vital for your business online store or presence. In fact, how an item is displayed is one of the most important elements when shopping online and making that final purchase decision. The difference between mediocre and professional product photos could easily make or break that online sale and cripple your business’ sales campaign strategies. The main benefit of investing in Professional Product Photography is turning your online visual presence into one of your biggest assets for conversion.

Product photos convey to your buyers the important visual details of the item you’re trying to sell in ways a description or title can’t. As a vigorous compulsive online shopper myself, my eyes are drawn to the product photos first. Why? I need to guarantee the item correlates with my expectations, whether it’s a particular style, colour or the quality that can and might, in fact, affect my decision to make that purchase.

2. Standing out from the crowd with your personal brand photography

When seeing or meeting a person for the first time, an impression is built within the first 7 seconds.  In this 21st century of online innovations and virtual profiles, as business owners we need to engage customers we haven’t met face to face. Your business does not want to miss the first and maybe the only opportunity to make a good impression. Having a professional headshot or a portrait that summarizes your brand and how you want your audience to interpret it will ensure that potential clients receive your virtual handshake passionately and generate a positive first impression.

Website’s profile page is not a place for a passport photo. Your portrait and those of your staff and team are most effective when they show your personality and your work environment.

Your brand needs to stand out in the online or tradition marketing industry, you’ll need to find ways to set your business apart from the competition. Investing in your own professional photographs will really help to strengthen your brand and help you to stand out from the crowd.

3. Recording event memories and displaying the fun side of your brand

Making memories at your job can be fun and rewarding. Hiring a professional photographer for your next corporate event can help to capture all those memories.

How can your business benefit from hiring an event photographer…?

Gaining exposure

A great image will almost definitely be shared which is why you need to have high-end photography. The better the image, the more people it will attract and the more exposure it will gain.

Leaving the hassle to the professionals

As an entrepreneur, I know what not having enough time is like, I get it, we’re busy people.

Taking amazing photographs of everything that’s happening plus sharing on social media can be a hassle that there’s just no time for. Leaving your photographic services in the hands of a qualified professional photographer with years of experience like those at Empire media 102 means you get lighting, equipment, editing and retouching, backdrops, and a team who will take the time to get to know your business’ vision. It’s a completely hassle-free solution.

Professional Demeanor

Have you ever attended an event that hired a well-experienced photographer and noticed, or should I say, not noticed them blending in? Capturing moments without disturbing the event or any guests. That’s what a true professional photographer does. They rely on your business satisfaction, which means being professional and courteous before, during, and after your event is done. It’s a completely hassle-free solution.

Should you invest in Professional Photography?

After you’ve read all the benefits and may still be on the fence and questioning if it’s worth it?

I want you to take a moment and think for a second: Do you think Apple Computers, Pepsi, or Samsung would still be investing millions in professional photography of every kind, from people to product photography, if they saw only a small value in it?


A mobile phone, no matter how well taken, will never say “I’m a professional, trust me,” in the same way that an expertly-taken headshot, portrait, or product shot will.

The level of quality with which you present your brand and products says something to consumers about the quality of what you’re offering and quality is a value proposition that can’t easily be turned down. Above all, don’t be this guy…

So, to answer your question: “Is Professional Photography important to your Business?” the answer is HELL YES!

Don’t just think small, Contact us to enhance your brand.

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